How To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? In a recent Business Insider article, written by Jim Price from the Ross School of business at the University of Michigan. Mr. Price states that this is the most frequently asked question he is...

Impact Of Colors On Brand Persuasion

There are several studies which argue that different colors affect our psychology. Colors appear to invoke certain emotion in people; some of these emotions include fear, sadness, and happiness. Research has shown that people associate colors with certain personal...

Top Social Media Trends for Entrepreneurs

Social Media is a significant factor in today’s business world and it only seems to be growing across industries. Nowadays, businesses need to stay up-to-date and even ahead of social media trends. Social media seems to be evolving by the minute and this means that...

How Self-Criticism Pays Off

In a recent article, Wendy E.F. Torrance (the director of entrepreneurship at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation) discusses the consequences of a business founder being self-critical. Torrance asserts a self-critical entrepreneur proves to be a stronger, more...